24 June, 2020
An effective response to contain the impact of covid-19 on the rural population must include IPs. We suggest that clear guidelines be provided to IPs and peri-urban primary care physicians, with supportive communication to communities …
14 December, 2018
The law has not succeeded in reducing the informal healthcare market as there are not enough alternatives in place to provide universal healthcare.
08 November, 2018
Millions of private informal healthcare providers provide essential doorstep health services to rural households in India. The law has not succeeded in reducing the informal healthcare market...
11 January, 2018
By collecting and earnestly acting upon customer feedback, government hospitals can slowly change widely-held perceptions about the quality and accessibility of their services.
23 December, 2016
Since mCurrency will deal with thousands of crores of people's hard earned cash stored as talktime, it also needs to ensure data security and privacy.
01 April, 2012
The World Health Organization estimates that in India, 136,000 maternal and 900,000 newborn deaths occur annually.